
PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain Review

Immerse yourself in a thrilling new adventure with the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle. Get ready to conquer towering peaks and face off against formidable machines as you step into the world of Horizon. With the PlayStation VR2 headset and two Sense controllers, you’ll experience an unmatched level of immersion as you explore stunning landscapes, hunt machines, and interact with your surroundings. Embark on a journey filled with exciting quests, tribal lore, and new and returning characters. And the fun doesn’t stop there – invite your friends and family along for the ride and show off the incredible capabilities of the PS VR2 with a heart-pounding riverboat ride. Get ready to redefine your gaming experience with the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle.

Find your new PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain on this page.

Why Consider This Product?

Immerse yourself in a whole new gaming experience with the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle. By combining the latest virtual reality technology with the captivating world of Horizon, this product offers a unique and thrilling adventure like no other. Here are a few reasons why you should consider investing in this extraordinary gaming bundle.

Firstly, the PlayStation VR2 allows you to play games from a whole new perspective. With the immersive virtual reality environment, you’ll feel the sensations of height and wonder as you explore stunning vistas across the Carja and Nora homelands. You’ll truly feel like you’ve stepped into the breathtaking natural world of Horizon, offering a level of realism and immersion that traditional gaming cannot match.

Secondly, the bundle includes two PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers which allow for intuitive interaction with your surroundings. Whether you’re climbing mountains, hunting machines, shooting your bow, or crafting items from raw materials, the responsive and accurate motion tracking of the controllers enhances your gameplay experience, making it more exciting and engaging.

Features and Benefits

Jaw-Dropping Visuals and 360° Viewing

With the PlayStation VR2, you’ll be able to view the Horizon world in stunning 360 degrees. This means you’ll be able to fully appreciate the beautiful landscapes, intricate details, and vibrant colors in every direction. Feel like you’re truly present in this captivating world as you look around and take in the awe-inspiring views.

Intuitive and Immersive Gameplay

The PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers offer a whole new level of immersion. The intuitive movements required to perform various actions in the game, such as climbing, hunting, and shooting, translate seamlessly into your virtual character’s actions. This not only makes the gameplay easier to grasp but also adds to the overall sense of realism and fun.

Riveting Storyline and Engaging Quests

Horizon Call of the Mountain brings you a living, breathing world filled with dangerous machines, tribal lore, exciting quests, and new and returning characters. Immerse yourself in a captivating storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you unravel hidden dangers and uncover the secrets of the Horizon world. The game offers hours of thrilling gameplay and a deeply engaging narrative.

Shareable Experience

The PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle also allows you to share the experience with your friends and family. The bundle includes a riverboat ride filled with surprises, which offers the perfect opportunity to showcase the capabilities of the PlayStation VR2 to others. Let your loved ones feel the adrenaline rush and excitement as they try out this cutting-edge virtual reality gaming system.

PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain

Find your new PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain on this page.

Product Quality

When it comes to product quality, the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle exceeds expectations. Sony, a reputable and well-established brand in the gaming industry, ensures that their products are built to the highest standards. The PlayStation VR2 is no exception.

The bundle includes everything you need to start your virtual reality gaming experience, from the VR headset itself to the Sense controllers and necessary cables. The components are well-designed, sturdy, and built to withstand the demands of immersive gameplay. You can trust in the durability and reliability of this product, knowing that it will provide you with countless hours of entertainment.

What It’s Used For

Unparalleled Gaming Experience

The PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle is primarily used for an unparalleled gaming experience. Dive into the world of Horizon and embark on a thrilling adventure where you’ll conquer mountains, outwit machines, and uncover the secrets of the world around you. The virtual reality aspect adds a whole new layer of immersion, making your gaming experience more captivating and memorable.

Familial Entertainment

Apart from personal use, the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle is also perfect for entertaining friends and family. The riverboat ride, included in the bundle, offers the opportunity to showcase the VR system to your loved ones. Allow them to experience the excitement and wonder that virtual reality gaming brings, creating unforgettable memories together.

Virtual Reality Exploration

The VR2 headset included in the bundle can also be used for virtual reality exploration beyond gaming. With a multitude of VR experiences available, you can take virtual tours, explore virtual worlds, and engage in a variety of VR applications. This gives you the flexibility to use the product beyond gaming, further enhancing its value.

Interactive Learning

Virtual reality technology has also been known to enhance the learning experience. With the PlayStation VR2, you can explore educational and informative VR content that makes learning engaging and interactive. From exploring natural landscapes to understanding scientific concepts in an immersive way, the VR2 headset opens up a whole new world of educational opportunities.

PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain

Product Specifications

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Who Needs This?

The PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle is perfect for gaming enthusiasts who want to take their gaming experience to the next level. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the Horizon series or simply looking to explore the world of virtual reality gaming, this product offers an immersive and captivating adventure that will leave you wanting more.

This bundle is also ideal for those who enjoy sharing their gaming experiences with friends and family. The inclusion of the riverboat ride allows you to introduce others to the excitement of virtual reality gaming and create shared memories that will last a lifetime.

PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain

Pros and Cons


  • Immersive virtual reality experience
  • Stunning 360-degree visuals
  • Intuitive and responsive PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers
  • Captivating storyline and engaging quests
  • Shareable experience to enjoy with loved ones
  • Reliable and well-built product from a reputable brand


  • Requires a PlayStation console to use
  • Additional cables and accessories may be needed for setup
  • Some users may experience motion sickness or discomfort during extended gameplay


Q: Can I use the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle with any PlayStation console? A: No, the VR2 headset is compatible with PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles only.

Q: Do I need to purchase any additional accessories to use the PlayStation VR2? A: The bundle includes everything you need to get started. However, depending on the setup and personal preferences, you may need additional cables or accessories.

Q: Can I play other virtual reality games with the PlayStation VR2 headset? A: Yes, the PlayStation VR2 headset is compatible with a variety of virtual reality games and experiences available for the PlayStation consoles.

Q: How comfortable is the VR headset to wear for extended periods? A: The VR2 headset is designed with comfort in mind, but users may experience some discomfort or motion sickness during extended gameplay sessions. It is recommended to take breaks and adjust the fit of the headset as needed.

PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain

What Customers Are Saying

Customer testimonials for the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle have been overwhelmingly positive. Customers praise the immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and the unique experience that virtual reality gaming brings. Many users also commend the product for its ease of use and its ability to entertain both themselves and their loved ones.

Overall Value

The PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle offers exceptional value for gaming enthusiasts. With its cutting-edge virtual reality technology, immersive gameplay, and entertaining storyline, this product delivers an experience that goes well beyond traditional gaming. Whether you’re a fan of the Horizon series or simply looking to enter the world of virtual reality gaming, this bundle is a worthwhile investment.

PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To make the most out of your PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle, here are a few tips and tricks for the best results:

  1. Take breaks: Virtual reality gaming can be intense and may cause motion sickness or discomfort after extended periods. Remember to take regular breaks and rest your eyes to avoid any discomfort.
  2. Adjust the fit: The VR headset is adjustable to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. Make sure to adjust the straps and position the headset properly for the best viewing experience.
  3. Create a comfortable gaming environment: Find a quiet and well-lit area to play in. Remove any obstacles or hazards that may interfere with your gameplay. Consider using headphones for an enhanced audio experience.
  4. Explore additional VR content: Beyond Horizon, there are many other virtual reality games and experiences available for the PlayStation VR2. Explore different genres and expand your gaming horizons.

Final Thoughts

The PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle offers an unparalleled gaming experience that will captivate and immerse you in a whole new world. With stunning visuals, intuitive gameplay, and a captivating storyline, this bundle exceeds expectations and delivers on its promise of creating unique and unforgettable gaming moments. Whether you’re a fan of Horizon or simply looking to explore the world of virtual reality gaming, this bundle is a must-have. So grab your Sense controllers, put on the VR headset, and embark on an adventure that will leave you breathless.

Product Summary

The PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle combines the latest virtual reality technology with the captivating world of Horizon to bring you an unparalleled gaming experience. Immerse yourself in stunning visuals, intuitive gameplay, and a thrilling storyline as you conquer mountains, hunt machines, and uncover the secrets of the Horizon world.

Final Recommendation

With its exceptional quality, immersive gameplay, and shareable experience, the PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle is highly recommended for gaming enthusiasts and those looking to explore the world of virtual reality gaming. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to embark on a captivating adventure like no other.

Get your own PlayStation VR2 + Horizon Call of the Mountain today.

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