
Samsung Gear VR 2017 Review

Imagine immersing yourself in a whole new world, where the boundaries of reality fade away and your wildest dreams come to life. With the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version), this fantasy becomes a captivating reality. The Gear VR’s innovative design and advanced controller allow you to explore uncharted territories, providing a perspective like never before. Designed to be both lightweight and comfortable, you can indulge in endless hours of virtual reality bliss without any discomfort. Whether you’re navigating your virtual surroundings or engaging in intense gaming battles, the Gear VR’s controller is there to enhance your experience. Plus, it’s compatible with a range of Galaxy devices, ensuring seamless connectivity and never-ending possibilities. Get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime with the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version).

Get your own Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version) today.

Why Consider This Product?

Whether you’re a VR enthusiast or new to the world of virtual reality, the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version) is a product worth considering. With its cutting-edge design and advanced features, this VR headset and controller combo offers a truly immersive and interactive experience.

One of the main reasons to consider this product is its ability to provide a better perspective and make you feel like you’re truly inside the virtual world. The Gear VR’s design and controller allow you to explore and interact with virtual environments in ways that were not possible before. Scientific research has shown that immersive VR experiences can enhance creativity, simulate real-life scenarios for training purposes, and even help with pain management during medical procedures.

Not only does the Gear VR offer a mind-blowing experience, but it is also designed for maximum comfort. The headset is engineered to feel lighter than it actually is, ensuring that you can wear it for extended periods without discomfort. The foam cushioning provides a secure and natural hold, while also blocking out ambient light for a more immersive experience. No matter your facial structure, this VR headset is designed to be comfortable for everyone.

Features and Benefits

Virtual Worlds Come Alive

With the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017, you can explore virtual worlds like never before. The advanced design and motion controller allow you to interact with your environment, making the experience feel even more realistic and immersive. Whether you’re exploring ancient civilizations, battling aliens in outer space, or taking a virtual rollercoaster ride, the Gear VR takes you there.

Lightweight and Comfortable

Unlike other VR headsets that can feel bulky and heavy, the Gear VR is engineered to be lightweight and comfortable. Its ergonomic design ensures a snug fit, no matter your facial structure. The foam cushioning offers a natural hold on your face and blocks out any external light, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the virtual world.

Easy Navigation and Gaming

The Gear VR comes with a motion controller that can be used as a remote control or as a gamepad. With its intuitive design and trigger button, you can easily navigate through menus, select options, and win battles in your favorite virtual reality games. The motion controller adds a new level of interactivity and fun to your VR experience.

Wide Compatibility

The Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 is compatible with various Samsung Galaxy phones, including the S6, S6 Edge, S7, S7 Edge, S8, and S8 Plus. Simply connect your phone to the VR headset using a USB-C connection, and you’re ready to go. This wide compatibility ensures that you can enjoy the Gear VR experience regardless of your smartphone model.

Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version)
Click to view the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version).

Product Quality

When it comes to product quality, Samsung is a brand known for its reliability and innovation. The Galaxy Gear VR 2017 is no exception. With its high-quality materials, sturdy construction, and attention to detail, Samsung has created a VR headset and controller combo that is built to last. The foam cushioning provides a comfortable and secure fit, while the motion controller is designed to withstand rigorous use.

Additionally, the Gear VR is backed by Samsung’s reputation for producing top-notch electronic devices. With their commitment to quality control and customer satisfaction, you can trust that you are purchasing a product that will meet your expectations.

What It’s Used For

Endless Entertainment Possibilities

The Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 is primarily used for entertainment purposes. Whether you enjoy gaming, watching movies, or exploring virtual environments, this VR headset and motion controller combo offers endless entertainment possibilities. Immerse yourself in your favorite games, experience movies in 3D, or travel to distant lands without leaving the comfort of your home.

Virtual Reality Education and Training

Apart from entertainment, VR technology is also used for educational and training purposes. Many universities, businesses, and organizations are incorporating VR into their curriculum and training programs. With the Gear VR, you can explore educational content, visit historical landmarks, simulate real-life scenarios, and learn in a more immersive and engaging way.

Therapeutic Uses

Virtual reality has shown great potential in therapeutic applications. It can be used for pain management during medical procedures, exposure therapy for phobias and PTSD, and even cognitive rehabilitation. The Gear VR allows therapists and healthcare professionals to create customized VR experiences to help patients overcome their challenges and enhance their recovery process.

Social and Experiential Activities

The Gear VR also offers social and experiential activities. You can connect with friends who also have a Gear VR and explore virtual worlds together. Attend live concerts, watch sporting events, or embark on virtual adventures as a group. This social aspect adds a new dimension to the VR experience and allows for shared memories and bonding.

Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version)

Product Specifications

CompatibilityGalaxy S6, S6 Edge, S7, S7 Edge, S8, S8 Plus (using USB-C connection)
Controller TypeMotion Controller
WeightLighter than it feels
DesignErgonomic and comfortable

Who Needs This

The Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 is suitable for a wide range of individuals. Whether you’re a gamer, a movie enthusiast, a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to explore the world of virtual reality, this product is for you. It offers entertainment, educational, and therapeutic benefits that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and interests.

Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version)

Pros and Cons


  • Immersive and interactive VR experience
  • Lightweight and comfortable design
  • Motion controller adds a new level of interactivity
  • Compatible with various Samsung Galaxy phones
  • High-quality construction and materials


  • Limited compatibility with other smartphone brands
  • Requires a Samsung Galaxy phone for full functionality


Q: Is the Gear VR compatible with the latest Samsung Galaxy phones? A: Yes, the Gear VR is compatible with the Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, S7, S7 Edge, S8, and S8 Plus using a USB-C connection.

Q: Can I use the Gear VR without a motion controller? A: Yes, the Gear VR can still be used without the motion controller, but the controller enhances the interactivity and ease of use.

Q: Are there educational and therapeutic applications for the Gear VR? A: Yes, the Gear VR can be used for educational purposes and has various therapeutic applications, such as pain management and exposure therapy.

Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version)

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have purchased the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 are raving about its immersive experience and user-friendly design. Many appreciate the lightweight and comfortable fit, allowing them to enjoy longer VR sessions without discomfort. The motion controller is also highly praised for its intuitive controls and responsive performance.

Overall, customers have found value in the Gear VR, stating that it has exceeded their expectations in terms of quality and entertainment value. It has garnered positive reviews for its compatibility, durability, and wide range of available content.

Overall Value

Considering all the features, benefits, and positive customer feedback, the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller offers excellent value for virtual reality enthusiasts. With its immersive experience, lightweight design, and versatile functionality, this VR headset and motion controller combo is a worthy investment for those seeking an enhanced entertainment, educational, or therapeutic experience.

Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version)

Tips and Tricks for Best Results

  • Make sure to properly adjust the headset for a comfortable fit before use.
  • Explore the available content libraries to find a wide range of VR experiences.
  • Don’t forget to charge the motion controller regularly to ensure uninterrupted gameplay.
  • Consider using headphones for a more immersive sound experience.
  • Take breaks during longer VR sessions to prevent eye strain or discomfort.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version) offers an immersive and interactive virtual reality experience. With its lightweight design, comfortable fit, and intuitive motion controller, this VR headset is suitable for gamers, movie enthusiasts, students, professionals, and anyone looking to explore the world of virtual reality. It is compatible with various Samsung Galaxy phones and offers endless entertainment, educational, and therapeutic possibilities.

Final Recommendation

If you’re ready to dive into virtual reality and experience a new level of entertainment, education, and immersion, the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller is the perfect companion. Its advanced features, comfortable design, and wide compatibility make it a worthwhile investment that will enhance your VR experiences and take you on an unforgettable journey.

Click to view the Samsung SM-R324NZAABTU Galaxy Gear VR 2017 with Motion Controller (UK Version).

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